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Jacob Cooke (Co-Founder and CEO of WPIC Marketing + Technologies)

Jacob Cooke

Co-Founder and CEO of WPIC Marketing + Technologies

Jacob Cooke is Co-Founder and CEO of WPIC Marketing + Technologies, a leading e-commerce and technology consultancy that drives growth for global brands in China, Japan, and Southeast Asia.

As CEO, Mr. Cooke is the driving force behind WPIC’s world-class data, e-commerce services, and artificial intelligence technology. Under his leadership, the firm has built out an expansive solution set covering data analytics, e-commerce activations and store management, brand strategy, creative campaigns, merchandising, warehousing, 3PL integrations, and more.

Mr. Cooke has lived in Beijing since 2003 and is a regular contributor to Bloomberg on e-commerce, retail, and technology trends in China. He is a member of the MIT Sloan School of Management and holds an Advanced Certificate in Engineering from MIT’s Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

He speaks Mandarin and Japanese.

Sarah Kutulakos (Executive Director and COO of Canada China Business Council)

Sarah Kutulakos

Executive Director and COO of Canada China Business Council

Sarah joined the CCBC in 2007 and has since revitalized CCBC’s role as Canada’s premier bilateral trade and investment organization. Sarah has re-centered the Council’s activities around providing business services, catalyzing business growth and activity, and advocating for stronger Sino-Canadian bilateral trade and investment. This has resulted in extensive public outreach activities, internal infrastructure improvements, the launch of new programs such as the Business Incubation Centre, and thriving member relations.

Prior to joining CCBC, Sarah worked for 11 years in marketing, product development, and management with a major multinational corporation, where she had multiple assignments involving China. Sarah managed worldwide product businesses that marketed to China and used China-based sources of supply. She was also involved in several projects requiring cooperation with the Chinese government. Sarah has led both established and start-up businesses within the context of a global corporation and has broad emerging market business experience, and has been involved in the Greater China region since the late 1980’s when she lived and worked in Taiwan. There, she was the first non-Chinese employee of a local high-tech start-up firm, where she gained a deep understanding of Chinese business practices.

A fluent Mandarin speaker, Sarah’s interest in China began at the University of Wisconsin, where she studied Chinese, marketing, and international business. She holds an MBA in finance and operations from the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester. She frequently speaks on China issues, including marketing, trade, investment, and Canada-China relations.


高诗如女士 (Sarah Kutulakos) 于2007年加入加中贸易理事会,她的到来为加拿大最主要的双边贸易和投资组织—加中贸易理事会注入了新的活力。高女士将理事会的工作重心转移到提供商务服务、加快企业增长和提高企业活力以及促进加强加中双边贸易和投资上来,使理事会的公共外联活动更加丰富,内部组织结构持续改进,企业孵化中心等新项目层出不穷,会员规模日益壮大。

在进入加中贸易理事会前, 她曾在一家知名跨国公司工作过11年,先后从事过市场营销、产品开发和管理等工作,并参与过多项涉华业务。高女士曾掌管过面向中国市场销售并从中国采购原料的全球产品业务,并参与过多项与中国政府部门合作的项目。高女士拥有领导全球性大型公司和新创公司的双重经验,以及丰富的新兴市场业务经验。她于1980年代后期曾一度赴台湾生活和工作, 此后一直从事与大中华区有关的工作。在台期间, 她成为当地一家高科技初创公司的首位非华裔雇员,由此对中国的商业惯例有了更深的认识。


David Perez-Des Rosiers (Deputy Director, Quebec Chapter of Canada China Business Council)

David Perez-Des Rosiers

Deputy Director, Quebec Chapter of Canada China Business Council

As Deputy Director of the Quebec Chapter, David Perez-Des Rosiers is responsible for building the CCBC membership base throughout the province by connecting Canadian and Chinese businesses, promoting Canada-China bilateral trade, organizing events and supporting member service delivery. David has a diverse background with experience in marketing, consulting, research, and as a Parole Officer for the Correctional Service of Canada. David lived in China for five years, studying and working as a consultant for a Food & Beverage group. He was also the Special Representative to Mainland China for the Canada-China Forum, during which he was responsible for member recruitment, building exposure for the organization and creating initiatives in China.

He holds a Ph.D. in Global Studies from Shanghai University, during which he conducted research on Canada-China partnerships in high-tech. He also holds an Msc in Criminology and a BSc in Psychology.




Tianpeng WANG (CEO and Founder of Trustiics)

Tianpeng WANG

CEO and Founder of Trustiics

Tianpeng WANG is the CEO and Founder of Trustiics, a Canada-based online legal marketplace where international SMEs have direct access to vetted, experienced lawyers, and practical, reliable and affordable legal services in China.

Tianpeng is a trained and qualified lawyer in both the U.S. and China, with 15 years of experience. He has a wide range of experience at U.S.-, U.K.- and China-based law firms including Morrison & Foerster, Clifford Chance and Jingtian & Gongcheng. His extensive experience has helped a great number of large and small businesses in their overseas success with China-related legal matters.

Lynn Yuan (General Manager at Joyian Trading & Consulting; China Market Exclusive Distributor for m0851)

Lynn Yuan

General Manager at Joyian Trading & Consulting; China Market Exclusive Distributor for m0851

Lynn Yuan is General Manager of Joyian Trading & Consulting.

Born in Beijing, China, Ms. Yuan attended high school in Perth, Australia, and later immigrated with her parents to Montreal, Quebec, Canada, at the age of 18. She began her fashion studies at Montreal's LaSalle College, specializing in men’s wear design.

Following her graduation, she made the decision to further her studies in women's wear in Paris, France. Subsequently, she pursued a Fashion Promotion Master Diploma in Milan, Italy.

In 2008, Ms. Yuan returned to Beijing and worked at a media company for three years before relocating back to Montreal. In 2011, she commenced her tenure with m0851. By 2013, as a brand representative, Lynn played a key role in the opening of the first store in Beijing, China. Since 2019, she has served as a partner with m0851, exclusively distributing m0851 products in the Chinese market.